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Schedule Planning Courses

There are many career options available through the Master's program in regional planning and design, but it is not a quick fix. The curriculum is challenging and requires a commitment to personal and community service as well as an understanding of the process of design improvement. Courses offered by the Master's program include educational planning, inclusive design, and building analysis for local governments. Students are also taught how to evaluate the performance and efficiency of public agencies through comprehensive evaluation processes.
This Master's program in regional planning was created to assist professional planners in the development of regional, city, and metropolitan planning. Professional planners play an important role in addressing many complex issues that affect people's lives. They analyze local concerns like transportation, community development, environmental issues, economic development, housing, cultural diversity, and public health. These issues must be properly handled to meet the needs of a diverse population. Professional planners have a unique opportunity to help government and other public agencies to develop comprehensive plans that will effectively and efficiently serve the communities.
Students pursuing a Master's degree in this program must first complete coursework in educational design and education. These core courses prepare students for the rigors of professional academic work and prepare them to enter into the program. Core Courses include mathematics, environmental science, and psychology. Students then progress to electives such as government and social justice, planning and urban policy, public administration, global environmental management, and consumer decision Making. In addition to these core courses, students may choose to participate in courses focused on business and the market, health, government, and law.
Coursework often includes internships or work at local agencies. Many professional agencies require an internship as part of the application process. These work-study opportunities allow students to gain experience while completing their planning courses. These work-study opportunities include local internships at parks, museums, senior centers, and other areas. Parks often offer paid summer tours and program research opportunities. Other local government agencies offer free training, both paid and unpaid, on a variety of topics related to their work.
After completing the required coursework in the core curriculum, students move on to the more diverse coursework in the strategic management planning program. This coursework is designed to prepare students to plan for the future. It incorporates current knowledge and application with projections and future scenarios. Strategic management planning courses typically include coursework on leadership, decision making, teamwork, and organization. Some of the more advanced planning courses also integrate elements of complex finance, environmental considerations, international issues, and other areas.
Throughout the program students must take classes in business law, ethics, information systems, and risk management. They may also choose to take specialized classes such as accounting, management, and business studies. As part of the coursework, students must also complete and pass an assigned Practitioner's Examination. The Practitioner's Examination assesses both the student's skills and abilities in managing a staff and a program.
The final portion of the coursework involves students attending workshops and seminars to gain a greater understanding of their field. The programs offered by these vendors will help students develop a solid background in their chosen career field. The final quarter of the schedule requires students to write a final exam related to their program. The exam is normally not challenging but will require students to analyze and discuss their syllabus and coursework from both an information and planning perspective.
Prospective students should keep all of the above considerations in mind when enrolling in schedule planning courses. These courses are designed to prepare students for the fast-paced nature of today's business world. By learning how to effectively manage the daily operations of a business, students will be able to maximize their potential while earning a Master's degree in this exciting field. Finding a reputable vendor for your educational needs is the first step towards a fulfilling career in this field.
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